Demo Version Of Products
The Customization Analyzer Demo version is currently available for Download. You can download it from the SideBar. You can also Download it using the hyperlink provided below.
The current Demo Version comes with a help document which will walk you through the process.
People have been asking me the benefits of this utility. Let me get to the point, if you are doing an upgrade, this is your dream Tool. You will now the pain involved in documenting the Customizations and getting proper Customer Feedback.
If you are applying a patch then you could have objects which are delivered with the patch. Now you will need a report instead of the PRT, so run the Tool against the Demo database where you have applied the patch, run a comapare, Run the Tool with Comapre Type = Full Compare. To Test the demo version of this Tool you will need to have records, fields and record fields in your patch project.
If you want to see a sample report then use the link given below.
Kindly add a comment when the links expire (It expires once the Download limit exceeds), so that I can upload the file again. Thanks.
I value your suggestions and feedback.
Regarding file hosting, perhaps you can try out
I haven't personally tried it, but it supposedly allows you to host your file without expiring.
I'll surely try that and try uploading a lot more stuff.
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