Sunday, April 10, 2005

Driven by PeopleSft Motivated by MicroSft

This post of mine is to motivate myself to build the ERP which will change the Face of the existing ERP's. I've just started visualizing how an ERP should be designed in the future, before I start describing how MY ERP will be, I'll give you the reasons which led me to this road;)

I started my career as a PeopleSft Consultant. Looking at this product I thought nothing better can ever be built. Amazing!!! finally it is "I" who came up with this idea to revolutionize ERP's future. I would like to accept that this Idea of mine is totally motivated by Microsft.

I start my story here, Windows is a product which removes the requirement of spending time to understand the USE of it from the end user perspective. I want to use Windows for a specific application, say I wanna watch a movie using Windows. They provide me with the Windows Media Player. I being the end user who is not satisfied with the performance of Media Player can download similiar applications which will suit my requirement and simplify my process. This application although obtained from a third party is not very difficult to Install into the product (Windows). Will YOU be interseted to INSTALL this application ( say Real Player or QuickTime ), if you had to hire a third party CONSULTANT and ask him to Customize your existing Windows Application?

I think you can see where I'm getting to: ERP's in the future should allow third parties to provide the Business Logics which a customer will require. These Business Logics should be available to the Customer as Modules which can be installed directly to his production environment. This will remove the requirement for the customer to apply customizations to the product which he purchases. Now he'll be buying from other third parties which you think would increase the cost for the customer. But with the increase in the number of third party vendors the cost of each module will definitely COME DOWN. The ERP companies can themselves test and certify each of these third party modules. This certifying process will give a lot of comfort to the customer.

In summary I would like to see an ERP that can be bought for 2000$, but will still have all the Gloss of PeopleSft. The ERP should work on all databases starting from MYSQL to ORCL this would allow users of any scale to use it.

The previous products that I've built are for the use of PeoplSft consultants. They can be downloaded from the links given below.

This product is called a Customization Analyzer, which will give you the results of Peoplesoft Compares. This is just a demo version which will only give you a report for Records, Fields, Record Fields.

Sorry I've temporarily removed the links

The following product has been named as Reapply Customizations. This is too a demo version which can be used only for record fields. As the documentation will not be provided for these demo versions use the Tool Tip Text.

Sorry I've temporarily removed the links

I would appreciate your valuable comments. If you wish to purchase the above listed products you can mail me at:

The products come with support.