Wednesday, October 04, 2006

'E-Change' Demo

I thought I’d post the demo version of ‘E-Change’; here are the download links,

E-Change --->

E-Configure ---->

E-Restore ------>

E-Help --------->

The demo version will not provide any compare report repository (The Project Compare report will not contain any objects as the report filter has been set to “0”).

I’m currently working on a requirement where users wanted to upload some design documents along with the compare report. The next priority would be to provide a Viewer where they could select objects and view the modification History.

Some work on SQR application is still pending (We did have a lot of SQR Upgrade applications; unfortunately my friend had lost them, me in the process of re-development.)

And I would like to thank Jim and Chris for their comments on explaining the PeopleCode constraint. The links are here,